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From Panic To Prospersity


If you find yourself constantly worrying about money, feeling trapped in a cycle of anxiety, overwork, and exhaustion, and yearning for a life beyond mere survival, this self-paced workshop offers a path to inner calmness.

  • Step away from survival mode with money and reconnect with the serene, empowered human within you. Gain a deeper understanding of your nervous system, learn what triggers its flight-or-fight response, and discover practical ways to regulate it.

  • Develop a set of simple and soothing practices that will help you heal from past money stress and reshape your nervous system, fostering a sense of safety and tranquility in your present experiences.

  • Engage with uplifting readings, reflective journal prompts, Inner Divings (a unique blend of psychology, meditation, and self-hypnosis), and other soothing techniques that can seamlessly be integrated into your daily routine.

  • This opportunity lets you gradually transform your panic about money into a calm and centered mindset, helping you embrace a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Or Scroll down for three easy installments*

This workshop:

Many of us find ourselves locked in a perpetual struggle for financial survival.

Day after day, we operate in a constant state of fight-or-flight, our minds consumed by thoughts of making ends meet.

We have been caught in a relentless cycle of financial stress, scarcity mindset, and overwhelming pressure for years, perhaps even decades.

Living in this survival mode—constantly worried, anxious, and exhausted—has become our accepted reality. We've forgotten that humans are meant to experience abundance and peace when it comes to money.

Yet, deep within us, there is a yearning for stability and financial freedom. We understand that there must be a way out of this constant struggle, but the prospect of calmness and financial security feels unfamiliar and uncertain.

  • What if calmness and financial stability can coexist?

  • What if abundance is within reach?

  • What if you no longer need to live in financial survival mode?

  • What if it's safe to embrace financial well-being and enjoy the journey?

This is why I created "FROM PANIC TO PROSPERITY."

It is an educational, inspirational, and practical online workshop designed for you to explore at your own pace.

Having gone through countless challenges and persevered, it's time for you to experience a life where money flows effortlessly.

A life where you feel secure, calm, and empowered in your financial decisions.

A life where you can achieve your goals, lead the life you desire, and become the financially abundant and liberated individual you deserve to be.

What is it worth to you to get out of financial panic and master abundance and prosperity?



three easy installments of $218

Love it or Leave it Policy: We want you to be satisfied with your purchase and give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the Course. We offer a 72-hour Love it or Leave it refund period for purchases of Courses.

Are you ready to make a life-changing decision?

What you'll find inside the Panic to Prosperity workshop

The workshop will help you escape the cycle of hypervigilance, hyper-productivity, and hyper independence so you can deepen your relationships, pursue the goals that genuinely matter to you and begin a healthy relationship with money. It includes ten modules you can work through at your own pace and repeat as many times as you like. Just click the plus symbols next to each module to find out what we'll explore. 

  • In the Introduction to Panic to Prosperity, you will explore your relationship with money holistically and uncover the root causes of your financial panic. Through insightful lessons and practical exercises, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape your financial reality.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fight-or-flight response and how it relates to your financial decisions and behaviors. Explore the impact of stress on your nervous system and its direct correlation with money-related anxieties.

    By delving into the depths of your nervous system, you will gain profound insights into the underlying triggers that perpetuate panic and scarcity. Armed with this knowledge, you will be equipped to break free from limiting patterns and embrace a mindset of abundance and prosperity.

  • n Module 2, we dive deep into the realm of financial trauma, uncovering how past financial hardships, setbacks, or negative experiences can shape your beliefs, emotions, and behaviors surrounding money. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how these traumas can create fear, scarcity, and self-sabotage patterns in your financial life.

    This module offers a safe and nurturing space to confront and process your financial traumas, allowing you to rewrite your money story and reclaim your power. By understanding the roots of your financial challenges, you can pave the path to financial resilience, abundance, and liberation.

  • In Module 3, we explore the concept that money is more than just a physical currency. It carries a unique energetic vibration that shapes the flow of abundance in your life. Gain a deep understanding of how your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions contribute to your energetic relationship with money.

    You will learn how to align your energetic frequency with the vibration of financial abundance through thought-provoking lessons, reflective exercises, and practical techniques. Discover powerful methods to shift your money mindset, release scarcity programming, and attract prosperity effortlessly.

  • In Module 4, we explore the notion that you have the power to direct and channel the energy of money consciously. Discover the importance of aligning your values, intentions, and actions with the flow of financial abundance.

    Through insightful lessons, practical exercises, and guided reflections, you will learn how to cultivate a conscious and harmonious relationship with money. Explore ethical money management, sustainable financial practices, and conscious spending to create a positive impact on your financial well-being and the world around you.

    Gain clarity on your financial goals, develop strategies for financial growth, and learn the art of conscious manifestation to attract abundant opportunities and prosperity. Harness the power of conscious choices and mindful actions to create a life where money flows with purpose and integrity.

  • In Module 5, we explore the intricate relationship between your nervous system and your ability to receive and welcome money into your life. Discover how past experiences, beliefs, and patterns may be blocking your capacity to attract and accept abundance.

    Through engaging lessons, experiential exercises, and practical techniques, you will learn how to identify and release limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks that hinder your financial receptivity. Gain a deeper understanding of the power of self-worth, deservingness, and abundance mindset in opening the channels for financial flow.

    Explore transformative practices such as visualization, affirmations, and energy healing to rewire your nervous system for abundance. Cultivate a state of relaxation, trust, and alignment, allowing money to effortlessly enter your life and support your dreams and aspirations.

  • n Module 6, we delve into the profound understanding that your energetic resources are valuable assets in your financial journey. Discover how to cultivate and harness your inner resources to support your financial goals and aspirations.

    Through insightful lessons, practical exercises, and transformative techniques, you will learn how to leverage your thoughts, emotions, and actions to attract and amplify financial abundance. Gain clarity on your financial vision and purpose, and align your energetic resources with your financial goals.

    Explore powerful practices such as mindfulness, visualization, and energy management to maintain a high vibrational state conducive to prosperity. Learn how to optimize your time, energy, and focus to create financial strategies and take inspired action towards your desired financial outcomes.

  • In Module 7, we explore the transformative power of inner alignment, mindset shifts, and conscious wealth creation. Discover how cultivating a wealth-consciousness and harmonizing your inner world can manifest abundant opportunities and financial prosperity.

    Explore powerful practices such as gratitude, visualization, goal-setting, and conscious decision-making to create wealth from the inside out. Cultivate a mindset of abundance, aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired financial reality. Embrace your unique gifts, talents, and passions as vehicles for financial success and fulfillment.

  • In Module 8, we delve into the understanding that action taken in alignment with your energetic vibration holds immense power in creating tangible results. Discover how to bridge the gap between your desires and their physical manifestation through intentional and aligned action.

    Explore the importance of intuition, discernment, and trust in guiding your action-taking process. Embrace a mindset of abundance and confidence as you navigate the realm of opportunity, taking bold steps toward financial success.

  • In Module 9, we recognize that financial emergencies can trigger intense emotions, stress, and panic. Understanding how to self-regulate and maintain a grounded state is crucial for navigating these situations with resilience and clarity.

    Explore techniques such as deep breathing, grounding exercises, and mindfulness practices that enable you to stay present and centered in the face of financial emergencies. Develop the ability to assess situations objectively, access available resources, and make informed choices that align with your long-term financial well-being

  • In Module 10, we guide you in designing a comprehensive and customized financial blueprint that aligns with your unique goals, values, and aspirations. It's time to take everything you've learned and apply it to create a solid foundation for your financial future.

    Explore methods for tracking progress, adjusting your plan as needed, and staying accountable to your financial goals. Learn how to cultivate a growth mindset, maintain financial discipline, and embrace the continuous learning and growth required for long-term financial success.

This workshop includes...

  • 6 months access to the Panic to Prosperity workshop.

  • 10 Modules: Each module includes a mix of audio lessons, written content, and practical exercises to help you put the concepts into action

  • Downloads: You'll receive a range of supplementary downloads and resources to support your learning, including guided meditations, journal prompts, and visualizations.

  • Inner Divings – our unique blend of mindhacking, meditation and self-hypnosis.

  • Breathing exercises, visualisations and lots of journal prompts. 

  • Self-soothing, self-regulation and emotional intimacy practices so you can translate your insights into loving action. 

January 18

Level 6 - Mindhacking™ Medical Intuition